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Dinner with Dr Kathleen McInnes – Climate change and our coasts

10/08/2019 6:00 pm
10/08/2019 8:00 pm
Anglesea Golf Club, 1 Golf Links Road, Anglesea, Victoria, 3230, Australia   View map


Senior CSIRO researcher, Dr Kathy McInnes, will speak on how climate change will affect severe weather events, extreme sea levels and impact on coastal environments.
Two course meal and drinks at bar prices.



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Event Details

The Aireys Inlet Uniting Church is inviting to its annual “dinner with guest speaker” event at the Anglesea Golf Club on Saturday August the 10th.

This year we chose the subject of the climate emergency and have been very fortunate to secure the support of Dr Kathy McInnes, a senior CSIRO researcher with expertise on the impact of climate change on our coastlines.

Limited tickets.
Bookings essential.
$60 per person
Includes: Two-course dinner with guest speaker; drinks at bar prices

Kathleen McInnes leads the Climate Extremes and Projections Group in the Climate Science Centre at CSIRO Ocean and Atmosphere.

Her research addresses how climate change will affect severe weather events and coastal extreme sea levels particularly in Australia and the South Pacific. She has developed climate projections to assist local government manage coastal hazards and adapt to climate change. She was part of a CSIRO team that developed a wave energy atlas for the Australian Wave Renewable Energy Industry. She has published over 60 refereed publications and over 80 other reports and articles. Her contributions to this work were awarded Eureka awards in 2003 and 2009 and she is a Fellow of the Australian Meteorology and Oceanography Society. She has co-authored several IPCC assessment reports including an upcoming IPCC Special Report on Ocean and Cryosphere.